
Putting Your Family First.


Texas Family Law


Fathers’ Rights Attorneys

Protecting Fathers’ Rights, Child Custody And Visitation

While Texas family courts are not as one-sided as they used to be, some courts seem stuck in the 1950s. They don’t think dads are bad; they just think moms make the dinner and get the kids ready for bed while dads work until 6 pm and only see the kids on the weekend. That’s simply not a reality for many Texas families.

If you’ve been a big part of your child’s life, there’s no reason you shouldn’t continue to be so after your divorce. Your contribution as a father is invaluable to your child’s development and your contribution as a parent should be fully recognized by the court.

Before you head into a child custody case – especially if your former partner is presenting you as an absent dad, an uncaring dad, or worse, an abusive dad – talk to a father’s rights attorney. At the Fort Worth office of Johnson McNulty we’re dedicated to protecting you and your children.

Fathers And Primary Custody

While Texas does allow shared parenting, where each parent has the child 50 percent of the time, we rarely see that kind of child custody order coming out of family courts. The judge usually awards primary custody to one or the other parent.

There really is no reason why fathers can’t have primary custody. We’ve taken these cases to trial and won by making a strong case for our client’s parenting abilities. In fact, in one case, we were able to overcome false charges of child abuse that had kept dad out of the picture for more than two years. In the end our client won primary custody of his kids.

Keeping Kids Close To Home

One important thing to consider at the time of your child custody case is whether the other partner is likely to want to relocate some distance away. If you receive visitation instead of primary custody, you may want to ask the judge for a geographic restriction in your court order so that your children stay close enough for you to maximize your parenting time, not your travel time.

We also defend the interests of the visitation parent when it comes to relocation. While the courts are sympathetic to parents who need to move for valid reasons, it’s not a slam-dunk decision in favor of the moving parent. You may be able to seek a change of custody at this time; at the very least, the travel needs and expenses of the child will have to be considered.

Your role as a father does not end with the end of your marriage. We are here to protect fathers’ rights in child custody. Contact a Texas family law attorney at Johnson McNulty. Call 817-576-6537.

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* Johnson Loyd & Schmitz was a previous law firm that is now Johnson McNulty, Attorneys At Law.