
Putting Your Family First.


Texas Family Law


Family Law Attorneys With Expertise Your Family Can Trust

Areas Of Practice

  • Family Law

    Family Law

    At the Texas family law firm of Johnson & McNulty, we can help you and your family with any family law matter, using a variety of methods to arrive at a successful resolution to your case.


  • Divorce


    While every divorce is going to revolve around a few key decisions – how to divide marital assets and debts, whether someone will pay or receive spousal maintenance.


  • Custody and Support

    Custody and Support

    Arriving at a decision about child custody and visitation can be one of the most difficult things to do during a divorce or the breakup of a relationship.


  • Property and Asset Division

    Property and Asset Division

    Every divorce involves the division of marital assets and debts. If the marriage was short or the couple has few assets and even fewer debts, the process of dividing marital property can be relatively simple.


  • Child Welfare

    Child Welfare

    Child abuse happens in homes all across Texas – in homes with stressed single parents; in homes with parents who have drug and alcohol problems; and in seemingly “normal” homes with two parents present.


  • Grand Parents Rights

    Grand Parents Rights

    Congratulations on making the decision to build your family through adoption. Whether you are adopting your spouse’s child from a prior relationship.


Jeff Johnson Rated by Super Lawyers 2023-2025
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Tell Us About Your Case


* Johnson Loyd & Schmitz was a previous law firm that is now Johnson McNulty, Attorneys At Law.

Let Us Put Our Knowledge & Experience to work For you

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What should I plan to have prepared prior to my initial consult?

Not much is expected in preparation for your initial consultation. Consulting with an attorney is largely about discussing the factual basis of your case in order to determine if you have a case and if the lawyer is a good fit for it. Finding an attorney, especially one who will be handling critical matters for you and your family, can seem like a daunting task. However, we believe that your initial consultation with one of our attorneys will leave you confident that we will prioritize your case and communicate effectively.

Do I need a lawyer if my divorce is uncontested?

A truly uncontested divorce is fairly rare. An agreement that the marriage should end does not equal an uncontested divorce. In order for a case to be uncontested, the parties must be in agreement about the division of every piece of property, which often requires disclosures that the parties do not have without the intervention of competent counsel. The parties must also be in absolute agreement about all of the legal rights, possession and access, and support obligations that the parties will accept for children of the marriage. Hiring an attorney to ensure that your court order is effective and enforceable is always worth the upfront investment.

Will I get attorney’s fees from my spouse or ex?

It is always possible that the Court will award attorney’s fees to one party or the other and we typically always make that request to the Court. In a divorce, it is common for the community assets to cover attorney’s fees. There are some cases that relate specifically to children where an award of attorney’s fees is mandatory. However, it is never guaranteed. Speak to your attorney about the potential and likelihood of an award of attorney’s fees.

Should I file for divorce or conservatorship before my spouse?

There are some inherent benefits to being the Petitioner in any case. You have the opportunity to put on your case first and sometimes that can help your attorney to put on your best case. If your spouse or ex has already filed, it is important that you reach out and obtain competent counsel quickly, so that you do not miss any necessary deadlines.

Can I change lawyers if I already have a lawyer in place?

You have the absolute right to the counsel of your choice. Typically, you can choose to change your attorney at any point in time during a case. An attorney-client relationship is just that, a relationship. If the relationship with your current counsel has broken down for any reason, you should seek to replace that counsel with someone that you trust. It is important to note that any contractual obligations you have to pay your prior counsel are not terminated with a change of counsel.

Let Us Put Our Knowledge & Experience to Work For You

Our Team That Works For You

Johnson McNulty is a dynamic, young law firm dedicated to making a difference in people’s lives. We care deeply about our clients; they often become our friends. We work hard to ensure their goals are met and put everything we have behind their case.

While our attorneys have successfully fought tough battles in Texas family court, no one’s resting on their laurels here. We’re always ready to tackle a challenging case.

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Let Us Put Our Knowledge & Experience to work For you

Experienced & Trusted Attorneys

  • Jeff Johnson

    Jeff Johnson



  • Zena D. McNulty

    Zena D. McNulty



  • Doug Wright

    Doug Wright

    Senior Attorney


  • Chloe Chartier

    Chloe Day



Expertise Your Family Can Trust

  • Divorce Attorney


    While every divorce is going to revolve around a few key decisions – how to divide marital assets and debts, whether someone will pay or receive spousal…

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  • Child Custody Attorney

    Child Custody

    Arriving at a decision about child custody and visitation can be one of the most difficult things to do during a divorce or the breakup of a relationship…

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  • Child Welfare Attorney

    Child Welfare

    Child abuse happens in homes all across Texas– in homes with stressed single parents; in homes with parents who have drug and alcohol problems…

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