
Putting Your Family First.


Texas Family Law


Same Sex Family Issues

Legal Help For Same Sex Couples In Texas Family Court

Adoption – Child Custody – Cohabitation Agreements & Property Division

Family law is dynamic and changing, particularly in the past five years, as state after state has seen fit to provide the same level of protection to gay and lesbian couples as they provide to heterosexual couples. While that is not currently the case in Texas, gay and lesbian couples do have an increasing amount of access to Texas family courts.

At the Fort Worth office of Johnson McNulty our family law attorneys work with gay and lesbian couples on a wide range of family law issues, including:

  • Adoption of a child together or of your partner’s child
  • Child custody of a child you both parented at the time a relationship ends
  • Child custody if a former partner is trying to deny your parental rights on the grounds of homosexuality
  • Drafting of cohabitation agreements for couples planning to join households
  • Property division at the end of a relationship

Starting Your Life Together

We’re happy to help families begin their journey together.

If you are considering combining households, you may want to work with a family lawyer to draft a cohabitation agreement describing how you will handle household property and expenses. Such an agreement has two benefits: it ensures everyone understands their responsibilities from the beginning, and it makes it easier to divide property should the relationship end.

We can help you with the adoption paperwork for one or both parents:

  • If you have a child from a previous relationship and you want your partner to adopt your child
  • If you and your partner have conceived a child through sperm donation and the non-pregnant partner wants to be named a legal parent, or
  • If you and your partner are adopting an unrelated child

Starting Over

One of the benefits of working with a multi-lawyer family law firm like Johnson McNulty is that we have lawyers with different strengths and skill sets.

  • We have attorneys who are particularly skilled in the courtroom and who enjoy tackling complex cases and arguing at trial. If you’re facing a child custody battle, these are the family lawyers you want on your side.
  • If you don’t have legal standing in court (yet), you and your partner may turn to mediation as a way to resolve your dispute. Or course, mediation may be your first choice because of the obvious benefits of time savings and cost savings. We have attorneys trained in mediation and collaborative law.

Contact a Texas family law attorney at Johnson McNulty to understand your rights under Texas law. You DO have rights, and we work to protect them. Call 817-576-6537.

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* Johnson Loyd & Schmitz was a previous law firm that is now Johnson McNulty, Attorneys At Law.